JPLGC Business Cards

Table of Contents
Avery Projects
Side 1
Side 2


JPLGC business cards are beng developed to advertise the club. Several methods are being tried to create the business cards. So far, none have been completely successful.

Note: Part of the effort is to create one or more club logos. A proposed logo is documented elsewhere.


I have tried several methods to print the JPLCG business card on Avery 8869 template stock. This stock can be purchased at office supply stores.

Avery provides a wizard plugin for Microsoft Word and a online capability to create business cards. Both allow the user to save a "project" in a file for later reuse.

I have found it impossible to print the cards accurately on my home computer. For example:

The online capability can be found at:

Open an Existing Project

Avery Projects

Files create by the Avery Microsoft Word plugin


File create by the Avery Online Capability


Side 1

Proposed side one:

With border:

Card Image

Without border:

Card Image

Side 2

Proposed side two:

The Four Basic Rules Of Gun Safety
  1. All guns are always loaded.
  2. Keep a gun pointed in the safest possible
    direction. (usually downrange.)
  3. Keep your finger off the trigger until your
    sights are on the target and your a ready
    to shoot.
  4. Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.